*为华语学生的英文自学课程-EFL Class for Chinese Students

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壹 介绍



贰 特性













叁 基础阶段

掌握词汇: 1500个生活对话用词,200个召会生活用词。


前三项可以在Treasure Chest百宝箱(wp1.churchnews.info)中找到并下载,情景例句语音包可在百度翻译中下载。


肆 进深阶段



1词汇测试.Word Dynamo 来科学地检测所掌握的词汇量。进入“dynamo.dictionary.com, 点击 “Start Now”— “Choose your grade” —  “Play”,完成十道题目即可获得词汇掌握量。

2、掌握召会常用单词700个,进入wp1.churchnews.info, 即可找到并下载。


4、英英释义,可用AppDictionary, 使我们了解单词最准确的用法, 用英语思维,学习最地道的英语。

5、编辑文本,可用 Kingsoft Office,用它编辑文本,便于资源共享。

6、拼写和语法检查,安卓系统:下载Ginger Keyboard。此App可以进行语法和拼写更正。(IOS系统输入法自带此功能)



b、线上ministry books,解决属灵词句的用法问题。进入www.ministrybooks.org, 借着搜索关键词,查询职事书报中准确的用法。

8、词汇—用Dictionary.com, 进入Thesaurus选项,可查询同义词,以丰富词汇,润色文章,使文章更有美感。

9、语法,在Treasure Chest百宝箱中找到“English grammar reference and exercises”或者下载 AppGrammar Up,通过各种题型的练习,使我们的英语表达更准确。

10、电子书 ,阅读CHM格式电子书,安卓系统使用SuperchmIOS系统使用CHMPlus

11、录音,及时录下不会表达的词句,可用“Audio Memos”。


13、进入有声生命读经,输入www.lsmradio.com, 点击“broadcast archives”进入目录,可以在线收听并下载英文生命读经。



2、圣经人地名发音,可用Bible Audio Pronunciation Lite查询。


a、安卓系统用TalkIOS系统用Natural Reader。输入文本,点击Play,即可获得纯正的美音朗读。

b、用微信发语音给老师,老师通过语音回复,有针对性地纠正我们的腔调。也可用Audio Memos录音,通过邮件发送给老师。

cBible.is  Bible.is中有非常标准的圣经朗读,通过多听使我们的发音和腔调更纯正。其中有超过700种语言的朗读,也可用于其它语言的学习。








伍 精通阶段



二、水流职事站,输入www.lsm.org,可找到三大类信息,分别是Publishing, Broadcasting, Eservices, 其中有大量的英文属灵信息:恢复本圣经,“有声生命读经”,“倪柝声文集”以及最新的属灵书报等。


EFL Class for Chinese Students

Ⅰ Introduction

We are sure to receive the higher education. During the education we learn languages, especially English. It is an international language, we must learn it thoroughly. Furthermore, at least we should learn one more foreign language. In a word, besides Chinese, we need to be quite at home with two foreign languages. The more knowledge of literature, the more learning of language, the better; we ought to get the highest attainment in language. (“A Blessed Human Life ” Witness Lee, Message Four )

This English learning approach which now we introduce, is to utilize various Apps and online resources for effective self-learning.

Ⅱ Characteristics

This approach is to teach us how to fish rather than to give us fish, comprised of five characteristics: 1 Self-learning; 2 Situational learning; 3 Distance learning; 4 Lifelong learning; 5 Applicable to other languages.

A. Self learning

Utilizing varieties of Apps , like “Google Translate”, “Baidu Translate” and “Youdao Translate”, We can look up words, translate sentences and correct pronunciations.

B. Situational learning

At a certain situation in daily life, keep an eye on the terms or phrases we can’t express, take them down by Apps such as “Notepad”, “Audio Recording”, then solve them at proper timing.

C. Distance Learning

Learning with companions who are in other places via WeChat, we will gain timely help by sending English voice messages to each other.

D. Lifelong learning

Through this approach, we can strengthen our habits of self-learning, keep on studying, and keep on making progress for lifelong time.

E. Applicable to other languages

We can also apply this approach to study other languages.

This approach can be distributed into three stages: the foundational stage, the advanced stage and the proficient stage.

Ⅲ The Foundational Stage

Vocabulary: 1500 globish words, 200 church life words

Phrases: 283 commonly-used sentences, Expressions of “ Baidu Translate offline”

We can obtain the first three items in the Treasure Chest(wp1.churchnews.info)by searching. Key in “ Baidu Translate”, download the offline voice package.

Through mastering of the word usages and sentences, we can learn to share 1-2 minutes in church meetings.

IV The Advanced Stage

Through the practice of writing and speaking, we will release message for 30 minutes. In this stage some Apps can be utilized to benefit our learning.

A. For Draft

1. Vocabulary test

Our vocabulary can be tested out scientifically with “Word Dynamo”. Enter into “dynamo.dictionary.com”, Click “Start Now”— “Choose you grade” — “Play”, finish 10 questions, finally you will get the number of your vocabulary.

2. 700 vocabularies for church life . Enter into “wp1.churchnews.info”, certain words should be found, just download it.

3. Chinese–English mutual translation “Baidu Translate”, “Youdao Dictionary” and “Google Translate” are available. “Baidu Translate” as the first choice, supports translation offline.

4. English–English interpretation, With App “Dictionary”, we can acquire the most accurate usages of the word and cultivate the English way of thinking. Through it we can learn the most authentic English.

5. Typing, Kingsoft Office can be used for typing.

6. Spelling and grammar checking, Ginger Keyboard for Android. This App can be used to check spelling and grammatical errors . (In IOS iPhone system this function is built in)

7. Usage

a. “Baidu translate” and “Youdao translate”. Through their illustrated sentences under the word, we can apply it properly into our practical situation.

b. Ministrybooks online. For the proper usage of spiritual terms. Get into “www.ministrybooks.org”, you can query the example sentences.

8. Glossary – Choose “Thesaurus” in the App “Dictionary”, input an English word, you can find its synonyms to enrich your glossary effectively, polish your writings properly and upgrade your article sophisticatedly.

9. Grammar “English grammar reference and exercise” or App “Grammar Up” can be found from “Treasure Chest” for more exercises unto better English.

10. e-books, Superchm is available in Android system to read the format of CHM, CHM reader can be used in the IOS system to read CHM format e-book.

11. Audio-recording problems or information, you can use App “Audio Memos”.

12. Bilingual Reading: Through bilingual reading of The Recovery Version of the Bible, Hymns, Holy Word for Morning Revival, Ministry books and so on, we can quickly and easily know its English content.

13.Turn-In to the Life Study of the Bible with Witness Lee-Radio, “www. lsmradio. Com”, click the “broadcast archives”, enter into the directory, you can listen to the English Life-Studies online,it’s also for downloading.

B. Prophesying

1. Pronunciation,

“Baidu Translate” can be used to solve the problems of pronunciation, by listening to the correct pronunciation and repeating it again and again. American Pronunciation offline package in “Youdao Translate”, “Google Translate Online” as well.

2. The pronunciation of names in the Bible, Apply the App “Bible Audio Pronunciation”

3. Intonation

a. “Talk” can be applied in the Android system, “Natural Reader” can be used in IOS system. Input the text, click the “Play”, you will get it.

b. Recording voices via “Audio Memos”, send voices by e-mail or Wechat to English teachers, our intonation can be corrected and improved gradually in one-on-one basis.

c. Bible. Is, It presents extremely standard Bible reading to benefit our pronunciation and intonation.At least 700 languages are included to benefit our learning of other languages as well.

C. Daily Conversation

1. Enter into “Baidu Translate”, select “Expressions offline”

2. 283 commonly-used sentences. Learning them by heart, our ability of expression can be improved.

3. i-Translator functions as instant translator, through text or voice input, instant and accurate translation both text and voice from real person can be acquired among 35 designated languages.

D. Communication

1. Send longer messages mutually through Gmail.

2. Send text message and voice message within 60 seconds through Wechat

Ⅴ The Proficient Stage

According to its need, release various kinds of messages (gospel, shepherding, edification). Search key words in electronic Spiritual books offline to find its Chinese and English content. Think it in Chinese way for preparation and translate it into English.

A. Electronic products published by Taiwan Gospel Bookroom, such as “Audio. Cloud” in which you can get various audio messages.

B. Publications from Living Stream Ministry ( LSM), key in “www.lsm.org”,three categories can be found,–publications, broadcasting and E-services. Bulk quantity of English spiritual messages, Recovery version Bible, Audio Life study messages, “Collected Writings of Watchman Nee”,etc with Newly-published book.

C. World News—VOA video channel, BBC academy journalism. Improve our pronunciation and intonation by listening to them.

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