6 How to preach gospel and nourish people of non-religion

How to preach gospel and nourish people of non-religion

I. Definition and characteristics of non-religion?

Non-religion means that somebody has no fixed religion, but they are not necessarily the atheism. And non-religious people possess an absence of religion, an indifference towards religion, a rejection of religion, or hostility towards religion.

II. The proportional distribution of non-religious people in the world.

III. The proportional distribution of non-religion in China.

The latest report of《The Global Religious Observation》shows that  16.3% (about 1.1 billion) of the world’s population do not have a clearly religious belief, among those 62% of population distribute  in China with a number of 700 million people. According to the survey, more and more students in recent years will not contact religion, yet on which they have a favorable impression, the proportion of  college students with religion has a trend to rise .

IV. Several main reasons for people of non-religion   becoming Christians.

A. Affliction

B. Vanity

C. Pressure

D. Dissatisfaction with social status

E. Easy to receive new concepts and new cultures

F. Longing for freedom

V. How to preach gospel to people of Non-religion?

A. The principle of preaching gospel:

1. To be saved does not need much talking with truth, The key is to touch their heart.

2. Trying to apply the Biblical words.

B. The secret of preaching gospel:

1. Exercising spirit to hook on their hearts by the word of God.

2. Causing the people to have the interest about our talking.

3. Understanding their hearts and their needs.

C. Materials and attention in gospel preaching:

1.Utilizing《The Mystery of Human Life》flexibly according to the necessity, and seizing the opportunity to pray with him.

2. Applying the scriptures which is clear to preach.

3. Enjoying the book of《Empty Life Turning to Hymn》

4. Finding wechat account and sharing with them the public account, they can enjoy the word on the wechat daily, as milk.(luke54, Xinrenfuyin)

Luke54:Using true and inspiring gospel testimonies to see how Jesus change their life and know Jesus Christ is the Lord.

Xinrenfuyin: Discussing and sharing concerning the significance of human life, science and faith, the world situation, the truth of the Bible, and touching testimonies.

D. Biblical Scriptures used for preaching gospel.

–Psalm14:1, Rom1:19-20, Eph2:12, Mark16:16

John4:13-14, Ecc1:2, 1cor15:45b, John4:24

E. Proper Approach

1. Making a thorough prayer before the Lord.

2. Living out the human virtue, setting an example for them.

3. Do not argue about something when we contact with them, confirming their opinions as possible as we can.

4. Exercising our spirit and touching his sense of conscience.

5. Leading them to know that our Lord Jesus is the life-giving

Spirit, and we have the spirit to contact Him.

6. Praying with them in the proper time without compelling.

VI. How to nourish the people of Non-religion?

A. Building up a relationship with them in all kinds of method.

1. Preparing some gospel hymns (you need Jesus, God is love, Oh the joy).

2. Inviting them to enjoy our love feast and blending with them in daily life such as BBQ, hiking, fishing…..

3. Contacting them and shepherding them via phone, message, wechat, QQ. Sharing with them the Public account of wechat.(mdzx31, loveofchrist)

mdzs31: Christ is the good land, flowing with honey and milk.

loveofchrist: the gathering of Christian with vitality and joy.

B. Morning revival-2 times a week.

1. Building a habit of enjoying the words of God-New believers     lesson12.

2. Sharing with them how to enjoy the word of God by pray-reading- New believers lesson3.

3. Helping them to understand how to pray through the word of God.

C. Home meeting-1 times a week-《New believer series》

1. Making pleasant atmosphere in home meeting. Before enjoying the message,  you can first sing a hymn, or have a relaxed conversation.

2. Inviting their friends or family members to join the meeting.

3. Encouraging them to share their enjoyment.

D. Perfecting them to be functioning members.

1. Prophesying in the Lord’s Day meeting.

2. Preaching the gospel to their relatives and friends.

3. Participating in the church service with other saints.

Suggested links for reference:

1. http://helanonline.cn/article/3773

2. http://www.pacilution.com/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=5484

3. http://iwr.cass.cn/jdjyjs/lw/201108/t20110805_7550.html

4. http://theory.people.com.cn/GB/16837323.html

5. http://e-gospel.twgbr.org.tw/index3-1-show.php

6. http://www.cssn.cn/zjx/zjx_zjsj/201411/t20141119_1405874_2.shtml