7 How to Bear Remaining Fruit Among People

How to Bear Remaining Fruit Among People

with Buddhism Background

  1. General information

There are about 488 million Buddhists worldwide, representing 7% of the world’s total population as that of 2010. The three major branches of Buddhism in the modern world are Mahayana Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism and Vajrayana (sometimes described as Tibetan) Buddhism. Mahayana Buddhism is widely believed to be the largest, because it is prevalent in several countries with very large Buddhist population, particularly China, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam. Theravada Buddhism, the second-largest branch, is concentrated in such countries as Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Sri Lanka, Laos and Cambodia. Vajrayana Buddhism, the smallest of the three major branches, is concentrated in Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan and Mongolia.

Origin: http://www.pewforum.org/2012/12/18/global-religious-landscape-buddhist/

Pew Research Center

Three kinds of Buddhist:

  1. Devout Buddhists. Due to stubbornness, it is difficult to preach the gospel to them. We don’t need to spend much time on them.

  2. The one whose parents are Buddhist but they are short of knowledge of Buddhism. We can contact them and preach gospel to them.

  3. The one who has the same attitude towards Buddhist and other religions. We can proclaim the truth to them.

  1. Preaching Gospel In Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. (People easier To Contact)

  1. People like to make friends and attend activities.

  2. Finding the one who are not disgusted with Christianity or pursue the meaning of human life.

  3. Build up the friendship with them and keep on contacting them

  1. Inviting them into our love-feast, or the meeting

  2. Leading them to exercise their spirit to touch the Lord by calling upon His name.

  3. Presenting the truth of baptism, and making sure whether he confesses that our God is the unique true God in the universe? If the answer is yes then baptizing them.

  4. It’s about six months to bring one people who is interested in gospel to be baptized.

  1. Preaching Gospel In Myanmar, Laos, Sri Lanka, etc. (people tough To contact)

  1. People like to receive blessing.

  2. Contacting the one who is in a depressed mood by praying for them with blessing.

  3. Making friends, not beginning with the topic of religion, yet mentioning it little by little

  1. Keeping on contacting with them, and taking care of their life and family.

  2. Inviting them to participate in our activities and  love feasts.

  3. Assisting  them to call upon the name of Lord Jesus and pray to Lord.

  4. It takes more than one month to bring  one people who is interested in gospel to be baptized.

  1. Key subjects on gospel of God

  1. The eternal life of God—John 3:16 “everyone who believes into him would not perish, but would have eternal life.

  2. One Unique God —Lessons of life 7. All idols being false Gods, all the idols are nothing and the so-called gods are not God.

  3. God is love—unconditional, he accept what you are, not what you do.

  4. God is our happiness and real satisfaction. —Our expression. Mat 11:28.

  5. Three parts of man— as an empty vessel to contain God. John 4:24

  6. Calling upon the name of the Lord. —Bringing them to use their spirit to touch the Lord.

  1. Biblical Scriptures frequently used —- John 1:29, John 3:16, John 3:1~13, Romans 7:18-20, Col 1:13, Romans 10:13 John 4:24

  2. Focus—“Use the spirit”. Through prevailing prayer and being filled with Holy Spirit. Forget about their religious background!

  3. Shepherding the new ones

  1. Cherishing  the new ones that they may remain.

  1. Knowing the new ones: We must be on the alert while we contact him in order to know what kind of person he is.

  2. When talking about spiritual things, we should first touch the objective side. This gives the new ones a basis for their experience.

  1. Meeting with the new ones.

  1. In the first month, continuing to have home meetings with the new ones once every three days to uphold them in the Lord.

  2. After the first month, changing to visiting them once a week. Continuing to have home meetings with them once a week for two or three months.

  3. Trying your best to bring them into one of the nearby small group meetings, especially on the Lord’s Day.

  4. Within half a year, these new ones will be brought into the proper church life. But we still need to go to assist them in their home meetings up to the end of one year.

  5. After one year, we assure that they have been brought into the church life and can serve the Lord in the church on their own without our assistance.

  1. Feeding the newborn babies with the milk of word in the meeting.

  1. Generally, the materials we utilize in the feeding can divide into two categories:

  1. Successive materials, such as NT-one chapter per week, Life Lessons, Truth Lessons, the Life-study , or other ministry books in truth or in life.

  2. Timely materials. During the feeding, we will meet some questions  unexpectedly. We can use Bible truth 365 or the web Treasure chest to find out the related massages.

  1. We must learn the skill not to do everything in the meeting but to lead the new ones to partake of the meeting.

  2. Helping the new ones to read the Bible daily and use it for their sharings in the meetings.

  3. Aiding the new ones to call, speak, or sing a hymn without any formality.

  4. Assisting the new ones to pray, not only in the meetings but also in their daily life.

  1. Leading the new ones into the practice of church life.

  1. We have to take the lead to bring the new believers into the practice of preaching the gospel.

  2. We should lead the new ones to take care of other saints.

  3. We should also take the new ones to the meeting.

  4. We must assist the new ones to learn  how to practice prophesying.

  1. Some crucial points in the shepherding.

  1. In the process of your looking after them, you need not only take care for them, but also care for their family and children.

  2. Concerning idols.

  1. If we condemn this in the wrong manner, we will lose them.

  2. You must learn to “play” with him in your conversation.

  3. For example, he may ask you, “What are idols?” You may say, “What do you mean idols? Are you talking about some images?” Then he may answer you by pointing out certain things which he considers might be idols and may say, “Isn’t this thing an idol?” Then you can pick up his feeling and answer, “Yes, this is an idol. What else?”

  1. Concerning the clearance of the old living.

  1. This is wrong to tell the newly saved one to clear their past.

  2. The Lord’s organic salvation will work out this result.

  3. We need merely to minister more life, let the words operate in their inner being in order to give them consciousness of life in the dealing with, especially the idols.

  1. Concerning the facing persecution from  family or friends.

  1. We need to talk about this topic with them. Make them sure what kind of situation they will meet.

  2. Then read Bible truth 365Ⅰ-52 with them. And pray with them for their friends and family.

  3. The most important thing is to intercede for them.

  1. Suggested links for reference.

  1. http://treasure.theblendingofthebody.org/archives/21684#sthash.otFkYoXI

  2. http://treasure.theblendingofthebody.org/archives/21403#sthash.7z2kQsoj

  3. http://treasure.theblendingofthebody.org/archives/25540#sthash.yeIocAWl

  4. http://treasure.theblendingofthebody.org/archives/26123#sthash.VL5RL4ku