Learning Plan of Bengali for Six Months

Learning Plan of Bengali for Six Months

  1. The basic information concerning Bengali.

Bengali belongs to the Indo-European language family. About 250 million people speak Bengali across the world. Bengali is the official language of Bangladesh. The population of using Bengali accounted for 95%, 5% other dialects. Nevertheless, both in the education sector and the business sector, people widely employ English. Besides,  quite a number of people have the capacity to understand Arabic.

There are 11 vowels, 40 consonants in Bengali letters .




  1. Purchasing a book named “Bangladesh for Chinese speaker” online before we set off to this country.

  2. Ransacking for brothers and sisters there to entreat them for help about Bangladesh-learning as soon as we reach this country.

1.The local churches in Bangladesh

2.The brothers propagate there: Peter Jim and others.

  1. Contacting some local people and forming friends with them so that we can learn Bengali from them.

  2. Grasping the basic pronunciation in one week .

Resource : MP3 of the book “Bangladesh for Chinese speaker”.

Acquiring it with money from: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.109.aB1jr0&id=44640801024&ns=1&abbucket=18#detail

  1. Learn some useful conversations in the first three months .



  1. Learning Bangle by ourselves with the assistance of online resources and Apps in the spare time.

  2. Listening to the mp3 of the app:

  3. The learning resources:

  1. 小语种口语网http://www.tukkk.com/

  2. An extremely useful website :http://mylanguages.org/

  3. Translation softwares:Google Translation, Baidu Translation , Utalk ,Ginger Keyboard.

  4. APP:AdarshaLipi

AdarshaLipi is a software for learning bengla alphabets. Each character is illustrated by a word, sentences and image.

  1. A book named “Bangladesh(B) for Chinese speaker”, including MP3 .

  1. Learning schedule

Weekly schedule

Online Learning

Group Practice



Time With local saints






