Gospel Openers For Muslim Background

A. Two Trees (Genesis 2:9; John 1:4)

  1. Background: In the Quran there is the tree of knowledge of good and evil yet not tree of life.
  2. Adam and Eve ate of the wrong tree, like a child taking in poison.
  3. Turn to tree of life, source of life who is God as life.

B. Living God vs. Religion (Galatians 1:4)

  1. Background: More focused on outward, religious rituals.
  2. What we say has nothing to do with religion.
  3. The living God wants you to have a living relationship with Him.

C. Human spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23; John 4:24)

  1. Background: Mainly know God in their mind.
  2. Man not only has a body and soul, but also a spirit within.
  3. The human spirit is the deepest part of man, which can contact God.
  4. Only God can solve the problems of the spirit.

D. God is Love (1 John 4:8; John 3:16)

  1. Background: Fear God but do not know Him as love.
  2. God loves man, and does not want man to live in fear.
  3. God showed His love for man by giving up His only begotten Son. Whosoever believes into Him might have life eternal.
  4. Not just that we believe in Him, but believe into The former is to acknowledge a fact objectively; the latter is to receive a life subjectively.

 E. God’s Purpose for Man (Romans 8:28)

  1. Background: Some are not clear about why God allows things to happen.
  2. Man is a vessel with three parts – the spirit, the soul and the body.
  3. God wants to enter into man’s spirit to become his content and satisfaction.
  4. This is the purpose of human existence.

 F. The Judgment Seat (Hebrews 4:15-16)

  1. Background: Relationship with God is fear based.
  2. Today, are you ready to be before God’s judgment seat? God is a righteous judge.
  3. Only Jesus can meet the righteous demands of God.
  4. Receive Jesus Christ, your fear will go away and you can come to the throne of grace.