What’s New at DreamHost, January 2018!

Jetpack Professional is now FREE!
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Build a website in
We made it through another year! All of us! We’re officially living in the future! Except…it’s not the future anymore. It’s now! But no, actually, that was then. It’s in the past. It’s gone! And yet…it’s still 2018! It’s happening all over again! We’re caught in a time loop, doomed to live this moment again for all eternity! Welcome to 2018!


Build a Website in 2018
Check out our step-by-step guide to keep you on track as you build, grow, secure, and promote your new site.
See The Game Plan
Back up your WordPress Website
How to Backup Your
WordPress Website
The best thing you can do to safeguard your website is make regular backups and store them in a safe location. Here’s how! Back, Back, Back It Up.
7 Ways to Win Your
Call to Actions
Whether you’re trying to get visitors to buy, subscribe, read, or click, these seven tips will help you get their attention. Show Me The Light
How to do a Content
Audit on Your Website
Doing a content audit is a must if you’re looking to improve your website’s success. See how it’s done.Give Me the Lowdown!
Jetpack Professional comes to DreamPress!
What happens when you strap a Jetpack onto your WordPress website? It blows up! Not in the the “melt your face off and lose a couple limbs” way. No, it blows up more in the “WordPress runs like a well-oiled machine while you kick back and focus on cranking out content” sense.
Back in May we started bundling Jetpack Premium with DreamPress, our own premium managed WordPress service. That was a $99 yearly value that we threw in because, honestly, we just liked your face.
The feedback that we’ve gotten from all-a-y’all over the past few months has been so good that we decided to put the pedal to the metal and go big. We now offer Jetpack Professional to all users of both DreamPress Plus and DreamPress Advanced! Jetpack Professional costs most people $299 a year, but not you my friend. You are special. You get the DreamPress discount! For you, Jetpack Professional is $0.
Jetpack Professional is the biggest and most powerful version of Jetpack that they sell in the Jetpack store. It includes access to over 200 premium themes, a limitless video CDN, powerful SEO tools, access to a concierge setup service, and much more.
Learn more about Jetpack!
If you were already a DreamPress user with Jetpack Premium, you’ve been automatically upgraded to Jetpack Professional! If you’re on a DreamPress plan that comes with Jetpack Professional and haven’t yet signed up for Jetpack yet, DO IT! It takes just a few minutes and we’ve got some great documentation that walks you through the process:
Using Jetpack with DreamPress
Remixer Annual Report
Remixer, DreamHost’s click-to-edit website builder, had a great first year! How great?
Read the 2017 Remixer Annual Report!
Haven’t tried Remixer yet? It only takes a few minutes to get started!
Customer since: 2017 
Looking for more website inspiration?
Check Out Our Blog
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