Regarding “Why the local churches seemingly only read the writings of two brothers, Watchman Nee and Witness Lee?”

The writings of both Brothers Nee and Lee are reference books which definitely cannot replace the Bible itself. The Recovery Version of the Bible is a study Bible. The footnotes alongside provide Christians who read the scripture verses with one of the references which definitely cannot replace the Bible and the revelations they receive directly from the Bible.

If the readers have actually read the writings of both Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and some of the orthodox, classical writings of Christianity in the past two thousand years, they will discover that the writings of both Brothers Nee and Lee include the essence of the classical writings of Christianity in these two thousand years. These two brothers, Nee and Lee had also repeatedly said that they were “standing on the shoulders of those before them.” Here “the shoulders of those before them” refers to the most classical writings of Christianity in the past two thousand years. These two brothers spent a few decades of time and efforts to select, absorb and digest the essence of the classical writings of these writers and to supply all the children of God.

The writings of both Brothers Nee and Lee in their whole lives have exceeded 10,000 messages. It is very difficult to finish reading them even within the limited time of our whole life. Therefore if someone with limited time wants to select reference books to study the Bible and wishes to use the most minimal time to obtain the maximum spiritual help, then reading the writings of both Brother Nee and Lee will be the most effective choice. The writings of these two brothers are healthy, spiritual reference books. After reading, it will whet more of our appetite for the Bible, having a love to read the Bible more; we will be strong in our spirit and become soberminded; we will love the Lord more fervently and willing to consecrate ourselves to the Lord; we will love people more, willing to preach the gospel; we will be more willing to receive all the regenerated and saved Christians, taking Him as our Head and be members one to another and more gladful to pay the price to build up the Body of Christ; we will be more willing to learn to live the life of Christ, taking Him as our Person in becoming the corporate new man together with all the members to prepare us to be the bride, holy and without blemish to receive the return of Christ.

We sincerely welcome all those interested in the Bible to read the Bible together. Moreover, we sincerely wish all of you just to have an open, objective attitude to taste the writings of both Brother Nee and Lee and the classical writings of Christianity throughout the ages. (Hereby we provide some authors and their writings from which these two brothers mentioned they obtained the help as a reference to those Christians who are willing to spend time to research the Bible truths in a deeper way.) Hopefully through it, everybody is interested in the Bible, and that the spiritual life of every seeker will grow normally and healthily, resulting in glory to God and the accomplishment of God’s purpose.

This help can be classified as follows:

1. Receiving help concerning the assurance of salvation from George Cutting (Safety, Certainty, and Enjoyment), an author of the Brethren.

2. Receiving help in the matter of life from John Bunyan (his book – The Pilgrim’s Progress), the biography of Madame Guyon, the biography of Hudson Taylor and the other mystics’ writings.

3. Receiving great help concerning the matter of Christ from the writings of J. G. Bellett, Charles G. Trumbull, A. B. Simpson, T. Austin-Sparks and others.

4. Receiving a great help concerning the spirit from the book “The Spirit of Christ” by Andrew Murray.

5. Receiving the help to understand the three parts of man from the writings of Jessie Penn-Lewis and Mrs. Charles McDonough.

6. Being opened concerning faith from the autobiography of George Muller.

7. Receiving light concerning living in Christ from the writings of Andrew Murray and the biography of Hudson Taylor.

8. Receiving help especially concerning the subjective aspect of the death of Christ and the spiritual warfare from the writings of Jessie Penn-Lewis.

9. Receiving help especially concerning the truths of the resurrection of Christ and His Body from the writings of T. Austin-Sparks.

10. Concerning God’s plan of redemption, the book “God’s Plan of Redemption” by Mrs. Charles McDonough was a great help.

11. Receiving light concerning the church from the writings of J. N. Darby and other teachers of the Brethren.

12. Receiving help concerning the matter of prophecies from the writings of Robert Govett, David M. Panton, G. H. Pember and other authors of the Brethren.

13. Receiving help especially concerning the history of the church from the insight of “Book of Martyrs” by John Foxe and “The Pilgrim Church” by E. H. Broadbent.

14. Receiving help especially from the writings of J. N. Darby and the Brethren on expounding the Bible and other general truths.