The Oxford Handbook of Deification 牛津神化手册

Our Oxford Handbook of Deification has now entered a pre-production stage. We should receive it hot from the press by the end of 2024, Deo volente.
With over 40 chapters, this is the first study of deification that is encyclopedic in scope, covering both East and West.
God bless my fellow-editors and our brilliant contributors/ authors. The angels were playing guitars in heaven, as they watched you completing your essays by the deadline. If you are a contributor and reading this — let me know if you’d like to do a panel on the volume in Palermo (May 2024). I will supply the prosecco both during and after the panel. I mean, who brings Lagavulin to Italy?
A teaser: our introduction includes 25 theses on deification. “Theses” were popular in pre-modernity and I still like this format. “Theses” can make a woolly notion sharper. “Theses” do not have to be anathemas; although if you are a Cyril of Alexandria, you cannot resist a few good anathemas too. Well, I have my gentle things to say about Harnack… and some others.
My expectations? I expect the volume will be controversial.
What do you think of this draft of the cover?
我们的《牛津神化手册》现已进入预生产阶段。我们应该在 2024 年底收到刚印刷好的版本,上帝保佑。
本书包含 40 多个章节,是第一部百科全书式的关于神化的研究,涵盖东西方。
上帝保佑我的编辑同仁和我们才华横溢的撰稿人/作者。当他们看着你们在截止日期前完成论文时,天使们正在天堂里弹奏吉他。如果您是撰稿人并且正在阅读此内容——请告诉我您是否想在巴勒莫(2024 年 5 月)做一期关于该卷的内容。我将在小组讨论期间和之后提供普罗塞克起泡酒。我的意思是,谁会把拉加维林带到意大利?
预告:我们的介绍包括 25 条关于神化的论点。“论点”在现代之前很流行,我仍然喜欢这种格式。“论点”格式可以使模糊的概念变得更清晰。
我的期望? 我预计该卷会引起争议。
您对这个封面草稿有何看法?(Translation from Google Gemini)
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