Application of Generative AI in Teaching: Taking Senior High Schools as an Example | 2023 Education Theory and Practice Dialogue Seminar 生成式 AI 在教學上的應用:以高級中等學校為例 | 112 年教育理論與實務對話研討會

Opportunities and Challenges of Applying AI to Education – [Risks and Legal Developments in AI Applications] The 112th “Education Theory and Practice Dialogue Seminar” of NTU’s Teacher Education Center will approach from an educational perspective, focusing on understanding the challenges and opportunities brought by AI tools in learning and teaching – how to use AI tools, learn to think and make good use of digital technology in different fields.(Translation from Google Gemini)

AI人工智慧運用於教育之機會及挑戰-【人工智慧應用的風險與法制發展】 臺大師資培育中心112年度「教育理論與實務對話研討會」將從教育的角度切入,聚焦於認識在學習與教學方面,AI工具帶來的挑戰,以及機會-如何運用AI工具,學會思考與善用數位科技於不同場域。