8 Reasons Why Young Christians Leave the Faith! Pastors Offer 5 Reflective Solutions 年輕基督徒離開信仰的8大原因!牧者提出5個反思解決建議

[Reporter Hong Jiawei/Comprehensive Report] Chuck Lawless, Dean of the Doctoral Program at Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and Associate Vice President of the Center for Spiritual Formation and Ministry, recently shared his findings after communicating with young people. “8 Reasons Why Young People Leave the Faith”. Pastor Chen Weijun of Kaohsiung Glory Harvest Church also responded and made suggestions.

Dr. Lawless pointed out in an article on the Church Answers website that as a pastor and professor, he was shocked and puzzled to see young people who grew up in seemingly strong Christian families turn away from the church. After talking to the children, he summarized 8 reasons, which are described as follows:

1. The faith never really belonged to them in the first place: Some young people just do what others expect them to do. They follow their parents and grandparents to accept the faith, but they never really make the faith their own.

2. They see too much hypocrisy in the words and deeds of believers: Sometimes young people see the hypocrisy of believers in their own homes, such as their parents’ words and deeds at home and in church are inconsistent, which makes them quite disapproving. In some special cases, these young people also saw many moral flaws in church leaders.

3. They have never been truly discipled: Although they grew up in Christian families, no one has walked with them in their faith, experienced God, helped them take root in their faith, fight against the enemy and win the battle. They had to rely more on themselves to figure things out, which also made them spiritually vulnerable.

4. They live in a changing culture that allows them to live in ways that are different from what Christian doctrine requires: In the past, older Christians might have silently and lonely accepted the discomfort of faith not being integrated into life; however, today’s culture encourages and welcomes young people to deconstruct their faith, raise questions and criticize.

5. No one has ever really listened to their hearts, let alone answered them: Too many older believers simply criticize the children’s doubts and tell them to “just believe”. Indeed, we must believe that our faith is good and perfect, but a faith that cannot accept challenges and cannot be defended is flawed; and the Christian faith is not like that, it can be boldly believed and can stand the test of time.

6. They are not truly rooted in biblical truth: This is related to the above-mentioned “never been truly discipled”. Although some pastors have told young people that “the Bible is the word of God”, no one has helped them understand “why should we believe the word of God?” Therefore, young Christians now often look at the Bible with skepticism.

7. They are dealing with sin in their lives: Dr. Lawless said that he had heard a reason for leaving the faith that impressed him – “moral decay often precedes unbelief”. Sometimes, the reason why young people go in another direction in their faith is because they have already taken this path in their actions.

8. They find stronger community outside the church than inside: They find friends, fun, and fellowship outside the church that, for whatever reason, they are not getting at church. We know their connections with others may be fleeting, but they are focused on the immediate rather than the long-term and prefer what they can get now.


What can be done about it?

Pastor Chen Weijun of Kaohsiung Glory Harvest Church, who has been pastoring young people for many years, also shared his suggestions for young people, whether they are seekers or young believers from Christian families, based on the 8 reasons put forward by Dr. Chuck Lawless:

1. Evangelism: Jesus is the answer to all problems, but most people think that other external things are the answer to all problems, which is equivalent to life not being truly possessed by Jesus.

Pastor Chen Weijun said that many young seekers come to church through interaction and invitations from friends. They enjoy the service and atmosphere of the church, but they have not yet accepted the Lord, so when they encounter problems or the church can no longer provide corresponding resources, these people will leave.

“Therefore, it is more important to let them believe in the Lord first.” Pastor Chen pointed out that the church should be more courageous in sharing Jesus and making Jesus the core, otherwise it will not be able to find a direction to move forward and the answer to the problem when encountering problems.

2. Contextualization (life): To dispel the idea among young people that biblical truth cannot be applied practically in life. Pastor Chen said that when people encounter problems, the church always only knows how to pray for them, but this is actually not enough at all. The church should let young people understand how to use the Bible to solve life problems, and not let “I will pray for you” be misunderstood by young people as just a kind of perfunctory, irrelevant.

“Our pastors and leaders often give the same answer to different problems, that is, to ask them to pray, fast, and read the Bible. We lack the ability to transform biblical principles into reality, so that young people decide to solve problems in their own way,” he said.

3. Argumentation (theology): To dispel the ideology that there is no answer, only asking the other party to obey. Pastor Chen encourages pastors to incorporate more arguments and life experience sharing in their sermons, because believers may not understand when they read the Bible.

“Some pastors don’t like believers to ask questions about faith, thinking that asking questions is questioning God. This is actually an inappropriate idea.” Because the true spectrum that Christianity should have is to have both evangelical arguments and charismatic spiritual baptism. If these life issues are studied seriously, it will be found that the answers to the questions will slowly lead to Jesus.

4. Mission (inheritance): Pastor Chen suggested that in order to solve the idea of “what does it matter to me to continue this faith?”, we should use calling and mission to view life choices. Sometimes young people find it difficult to have room to play in the church, such as the service has not been further developed, or there are more opportunities to help the church. Young people think that there is no way to go, and they want to leave the church.

The ideal state is to let the older pastors in the church become “coaches”, so that the church can continuously provide opportunities for service, rather than only certain people having opportunities for service. Therefore, in leading activities, you might as well let go and let young people try, and also discuss the issue of “mission and inheritance” with young people, so that they can see hope.

Pastor Chen also gave an example. The reason why young believers leave the church or even the Christian faith is very similar to the situation of young people leaving their jobs in the workplace, mainly because “there are no opportunities for development in the future” or “social responsibility cannot be practiced”. Young people may not have understood the relationship between the church and themselves at the beginning, or they feel that going to church is to be served and enjoy being served, rather than loving each other and caring for each other.

5. Disciple (master-apprentice): Live with young people and lead them to experience faith, rather than just course training. Pastor Chen Weijun said: “The cost of time is always the biggest challenge.” In addition to building a closer relationship, it is also very important to give young believers real love.

If there is a problem of sin in the life of a young Christian, the pastor should not only criticize the part of the sin, but should also tell him: “I know you have sinned, and I love you as a person, not your sin. Also because I love you, I am willing to accompany you to overcome the problem of sin.”

For example, various life problems common to young people such as addiction, cohabitation, lying, etc., the church should indeed express its disapproval of these sins, but more importantly, let young people feel that “I am willing to accept your imperfections, because we are all imperfect, and I am not qualified to say that you are wrong or bad”. (Translation from Google Gemini)


【記者洪嘉蔚/綜合報導】美國北卡羅來納州東南浸信會神學院(Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest)博士生院院長,兼靈命塑造與事工中心(Spiritual Formation and Ministry Centers)副主席查克.勞利斯(Chuck Lawless),日前在網路上分享與年輕人交流後,歸納出的「年輕人離開信仰的8大原因」高雄榮耀豐收教會陳維濬牧師也對此作出回應與建議。

勞利斯博士在《教會回答》(Church Answers)網站為文指出,身為牧師和教授,他看到那些在看似具有強大基督信仰的家庭中長大的年輕人,如今卻轉身離開教會,令他感到震驚與不解。在與孩子們懇談後,他歸納出了8大原因,敘述如下:























