Short verses, praises and thanksgivings, and prayers

Short verses, praises and thanksgivings, and prayers
For Chinese saints learning English

Part One – Verses- V Section

1. Now the Lord is the Spirit!    現在主就是那靈

2. He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.  與主聯合的就是與主成為一靈

3. The last Adam became a life giving Spirit.

4. For to me to live is Christ.

5. The Spirit gives life.

6. To set the mind on the spirit is life and peace.

7. Let Us make man in our image and likeness.

8. That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith.

9. Abide in Me and I in you.

10. Apart from Me you can do nothing!  離了我(主) 你就不能做甚麼

11. God is faithful through whom you were called into the fellowship.

12. In Him was life and His life was the light of man.

13. I am the way, the truth and the life.

14. Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth.

15. You did not choose me but I chose you.

16. Rejoice in the Lord always.

17. Unceasingly pray! 不住的禱告

18. In everything give thanks. 凡事謝恩

19. The Lord be with your spirit.

20. Grace be with you.

21. All things work together for good to those who love God.

22. All scripture is God breathed.

23. The church is the house of the living God.

24. Your will be done. As in heaven, so also on earth.

25. No one can say, Lord Jesus, but in the Holy Spirit.

26. The love of God, the grace of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

27. The Spirit and the Bride say , Come.

28. I was in spirit on the Lord’s Day.

29. His name is called Wonderful, Counselor, the Almighty God.

30. Unto Him be the glory in the church!

Part Two- praises and thanksgiving
Praises- PR Section

1. Praise the Lord!

2. Praise the Father!

3. Praise the Son!

4. Praise the Triune God!

5.Praise the Lamb of God!

6. Praise You, Abba Father!

7. Abba Father, we adore You!

8. Praise You, Lord for your mercy and grace.

9. Praise You, Lord, for Your redemption.

10. Glory to the Father!

11.  Glory to the Son!

12.  Glory to the Spirit!

13. How we adore Thee, Father.

14. O Father God, Thou are the source of life.

15. Father, thank you for bringing home to Yourself.

16. Lord, we give You the honor and the glory.

17. Blessing and honor and glory be Thine!

18. Praise the Father who has purposed.

19. Praise the Son who all has done.

20. Praise the Three who work as one.

Thanksgiving TH Section

1. Thank you, Lord, for your precious blood.

2. Thank you, Lord for Your word.

3. Thank you, Lord for a new day.

4. Thank you, Lord, for my mingled spirit.

5. Thank you, Lord, I am a member of Your Body.

6. Thank you, Lord , for saving me.

7. Thank you, Lord for the church.

8. Thank you Lord for gathering us into your name.

9. Thank you Lord for loving me.

10. Thank you, Lord for Your all sufficient grace.

11. Thank You , Lord, for Your table.

12. Thank You , Lord, for Your faithfulness.

13. Thank you ,Lord, for Your mercy to me.

14. Thank you Lord, for this food.

15. Thank you, Lord, that You are my life supply.

Part three- prayers – PRY section

1. Lord Jesus, I love you with all of my heart.

2. Lord Jesus, grow in me.

3. Lord Jesus, shine in my heart.

4. Lord, strengthen me into my inner man.

5. Lord, I long to experience more of You.

6. Lord, cleanse me with Your precious blood.

7. Lord, I open my whole being to You.

8. Lord, saturate Me with Your Spirit.

9. Lord, make Your home in my heart.

10. Lord, speak to me in Your word.

11. Feed me, Lord Jesus, in Your word.

12. Lord, I give my life to You.

13. Lord, build me up with others.

14. Lord, give me a spirit of wisdom and revelation.

15. Gain me, Lord , for Your economy.

16. Lord, make me a useful vessel to meet Your need.

17. Perfect me, Lord, for Your purpose.

18. Burden me, Lord, for the building up of Your Body.

19. Lord, for Your build I give You my all.

20. Lord, I consecrate myself to You for Your Recovery.