A. Two Trees (Genesis 2:9; John 1:4)
- Background: In the Quran there is the tree of knowledge of good and evil yet not tree of life.
- Adam and Eve ate of the wrong tree, like a child taking in poison.
- Turn to tree of life, source of life who is God as life.
B. Living God vs. Religion (Galatians 1:4)
- Background: More focused on outward, religious rituals.
- What we say has nothing to do with religion.
- The living God wants you to have a living relationship with Him.
C. Human spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23; John 4:24)
- Background: Mainly know God in their mind.
- Man not only has a body and soul, but also a spirit within.
- The human spirit is the deepest part of man, which can contact God.
- Only God can solve the problems of the spirit.
D. God is Love (1 John 4:8; John 3:16)
- Background: Fear God but do not know Him as love.
- God loves man, and does not want man to live in fear.
- God showed His love for man by giving up His only begotten Son. Whosoever believes into Him might have life eternal.
- Not just that we believe in Him, but believe into The former is to acknowledge a fact objectively; the latter is to receive a life subjectively.
E. God’s Purpose for Man (Romans 8:28)
- Background: Some are not clear about why God allows things to happen.
- Man is a vessel with three parts – the spirit, the soul and the body.
- God wants to enter into man’s spirit to become his content and satisfaction.
- This is the purpose of human existence.
F. The Judgment Seat (Hebrews 4:15-16)
- Background: Relationship with God is fear based.
- Today, are you ready to be before God’s judgment seat? God is a righteous judge.
- Only Jesus can meet the righteous demands of God.
- Receive Jesus Christ, your fear will go away and you can come to the throne of grace.