Making the Most of ChatGPT and Shining Brighter as a Professional! | Generative AI Thematic Forum 善用ChatGPT,讓專業的你更亮眼 ! | 生成式AI主題論壇

Over the past six months, the development of generative AI technology has had a profound impact on all aspects of the university environment, including research, teaching, and administrative work. NTU has always been committed to encouraging teachers, students, and administrative staff to use technology correctly to fully发挥 the positive effects of AI technology. Therefore, we invited two speakers to share their experience in using ChatGPT, and we hope to provide opportunities for communication, brainstorming, and improvement through the form of forum interaction.(Translation from Google Gemini)

過去半年來,生成式 AI 技術的發展對於大學環境中無論是研究、教學、行政工作等各個層面都帶來深刻的影響。而臺大一直致力於鼓勵教師、學生、和行政人員以正確的方法善用科技,以充分發揮 AI 技術的正向作用。因此,我們邀請二位講者前來分享他們應用 ChatGPT 經驗,並希望透過論壇互動的形式,提供交流、想法激盪與提升的機會。