Distance Perfecting Training 2
Guideline for Training Assistance 9
Three Aspects of the Training 12
Daily Practice
Application, Qualification and Recommendation 27
Distance Perfecting Training is the combination of online perfecting meeting and small group training.
The antecedent of the Distance Perfecting Training was the International Student Perfecting Training during summer holiday in Cebu, Philippines. To meet the demand of perfecting new believers, the training continued to consolidate systematic training on a long-term basis
Eph.4:11-12 And He Himself gave some as apostles and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as shepherds and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry, unto the building up of the Body of Christ,
Eph.4:16 Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love.
The perfecting of the saints is the life pulse of the church. The gospel will come to a standstill if the new believers’ perfecting is not living. If the new believers are vital, the church will be solid and there will be the sustained impact of the gospel.
Before the Lord’s return, He will fully recover the proper church life manifested in the apostolic age. At the turning point of this present age, a new model of church life is gradually appearing. Due to the increase of restrictions from the environment, the meeting scale is changing from large congregation to small vital group. Virtual meetings on the internet become more common. In the present world situation, the direction of the church is adopting to the new model. The saints are more related to one another.
Under such situation, the training is focusing on
Perfecting the organic function of the young generation, and
Encouraging the establishment of relationships among believers for the building up of the Body of Christ.
To equip the trainees with a pattern of the healthy words that
they may commit it to others (2 Tim. 1:13)
To forge a healthy practice of morning revival by pray-reading
the word of God (Eph. 6:17-18)
To establish relationships among the trainees for discipleship
(Matt. 28:19)
To reach the reality of the Body of Christ by establishing small vital groups (Acts. 2:42)
Training Strategy:
Truth Study
Online weekly coaching lesson (Course)
God-man Living
Habit forming tutoring (Tutoring)
God-ordained Way
Companionship for gospel outreaching (Onsite Practice)
Aspects of assessment:
Performance in class
Daily practicing
Participation in gospel outreaching
There will be an assessment report to conclude one term of classes
Algorithm for credit of each term
Term credit = Sum of Class points / number of classes + Sum of living points / weeks + Sum of gospel points / weeks
Participants and Grouping:
One coach facilitates a class
A tutor with 2 or 3 trainees forms a small study group
Maximally 3 study groups in one class
Online Session
A Pattern of the Healthy Words (AKA 96 Lessons) Series 1 The Preparation of the Vessel Series 2 The Way to Study the Truth
Series 3 The Content of God’s New Testament Economy
Series 4 The Practice of the New Way
The beginning date of the training is determined by the establishment of the class.
The entire training consists of
4 complete terms of classes
with 24 lessons in each term.
At least one class per week is recommended.
The date and time of the online course is catered by the class.
One term should be completed within 12 to 24 weeks
Time Proportion Recommended
1 hour of session time per class/lesson
20 minutes Coach demonstration 15 minutes Pray-reading in group 25 minutes Classroom interaction
Software Platform:
Teleconferencing via Zoom.
In principle Training Assistance (TA) should arrange the online meeting and provide meeting invite link.
God-man Living Practice
Trainees are expected to monitor their progress on the following items with the assistant of TA.
Healthy Sleep Schedule:
Sticking to a sleep schedule of the same
Wake up time
Morning Revival: nourishing the inner man by pray-reading the Word in the morning
Verse Memorization: committed one verse to memory
Reading Plan:
Bible Reading: Sticking to daily scripture reading plan
Ministry Reading: Following the reading plan for ministry books
God-ordained Way
Trainees will monitor their progress on the following items of gospel practices in companionship.
Ministry Promotion:
To recommend and distribute ministry books
To make prayer and petition for specific people on name list.
Building Relationship:
To establish long-term relationship and to progress it with new believers through contacting, shepherding, and perfecting. The progression of relationship could be categorized into four, as:
Excerpts from the Ministry
Question: How should the teachers prepare themselves in order to make the truth lessons attractive, and how can they avoid preaching and expounding?
Answer: In reality, your preparation does not have that much to do with the material; it has to do with your spirit. Of course, you need to read the lesson through a few times. You need to find out the crucial points and practice repeat-reading, emphasize-reading, pray-reading, and vitalize-reading. Then you should exercise to do the same in the meetings. If some saints do not understand a point, you do not need to expound too much. Simply read the points a few more times until they remember the points. I beg you not to prepare something to preach. Whatever is in you will come out of you. “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matt. 12:34). If you prepare too much, you will have too much deposit within you, and it will be difficult for you not to preach. Therefore, do not prepare too much. Simply open the book and teach. It is not difficult to teach. All you need to do is repeat-read, emphasize-read, pray- read, and vitalize-read. You must prepare yourselves for this, but you do not need to prepare the lessons too much.
At the time we compiled Truth Lessons, my helpers asked me if we should list some reference books at the end of each lesson. I told them that the lesson itself has enough material for the saints to digest; there is no need to provide any reference material. When we compiled Truth Lessons, we considered all these. Please forget about preaching. There is no need to preach anymore. Simply teach, which means, simply read. If we do this, our teaching of the truth will be a success.
(The Vision and Definite Steps for the Practice of the New Way, Ch. 4)
When we go to teach people, we have to try to make everything simple. This is likened to a couch teaching people basketball. He first teaches them basic movements, hoping that they will practice all these basic movements until they are dexterous. Then when they are playing in a game, they do not necessarily play according to the couch’s basic movements; rather, they use the basic movement flexibly. The goal is just to throw the ball into the hoop.
One thing we have to pay a special attention to is that the messages which we choose must contain a few crucial verses at the beginning. Every time we gather together, we have to pray read these verses so as to allow the Lord’s word to be sowed into us.
The nature of the Summer School of Truth actually is not a matter of teaching but of ministering or serving. We may use a restaurant as an illustration. A
restaurant is not for teaching about food but for serving food. Those who serve in a restaurant do not merely give people a menu and then teach them about food. Instead, the serving ones supply others with different courses of food for eating. The principle should be the same with what we call the Summer School of Truth. Our intention is not to give people a “menu” and then teach them about God. Our intention is to serve, to minister, God as different “dishes” for eating.
In your preparation, you should try to convert every point of doctrine into experience. The more you speak in this way, the more they will be unveiled. They will see a vision that will expose them, and spontaneously they will be ushered into the experience of the very matter you have been presenting.
However, if you teach in the way of merely imparting doctrines from the printed materials, you will do nothing more than impart some knowledge to the minds of your students. As a result, they will gain nothing in an experiential way. Moreover, the knowledge they gain may damage them. In the ministry in the Lord’s recovery, we present our teachings not in the way of doctrine but in the way of life.
(A pattern of the healthy words, Some words for the serving ones)
Coaching Guideline
Recommendation of Time Distribution in Class
20 minutes Coach demonstration
15 minutes Pray-reading in group of 2 or 3
25 minutes Classroom interaction
Teaching Principles
Demonstrate how to expound the verses in each lesson and to develop unto the outline point(s);
Focus on coaching the trainees to comprehend the key point(s) rather than teaching all the points of the lesson.
Identify the main burden of the message, related verses and ministry excerpts to generate a list of objectives—what the students will apprehend or able to practice;
Use/design study questions to guide the trainees to find out the facts and thoughts of the divine revelation revealed in the scriptures;
Pray-read the verses for the releasing of the spirit.
Demonstration (20 minutes)
Demonstrate in 20 minutes how to expound the scriptures to develop unto the outline point(s);
Adhere to the key point(s) and be concise in presenting the message with released spirit to transmit and dispense life;
Avoid preaching the entire outline material.
Group Test
Trainees from each sub-group shall prophesy;
Trainers shall grade their prophecy according to Prophecy Assessment Form (appendix):
The release of the spirit
Quoting the proper verses
Expounding of the verses
Stress the key points
Time control
Voice, gesture, etc.
Coach’s Responsibility
Read ‘some words for the serving ones’ from A Pattern of the Healthy Words deeply.
Prepare and teach according to teaching guideline and leave assignment.
Establish a long-term relationship with TAs and trainees, cherishing and nourishing them, not merely giving messages.
Have fellowship with individual trainees upon request if available.
Monitor and provide encouragement with guidance on the participants’ daily practice as well as propagation
Coach Assistance
Provide the trainee’s registration form and acquaint the coach with the
Give feedback on the task and performance of the trainees
Pray and fellowship with coach to perfect the trainees and facilitate the training on regular basis.
Do preparation ahead of time and remind coach of the schedule.
TA Coordination
Fellowship concerning the trainee’s condition and pray for them.
Pray and fellowship for facilitating the training.
Guiding Trainees
Application phase
Introduce the training and convey the burden to trainees, encourage them to attend the whole training and practice actively.
Read the Guideline for Trainees together with them and ensure that they understand the requirements of the training.
Guide them to consecrate themselves before the Lord and fill in the
“Registration Form”.
Before and in class
Help them to be familiar with the use of Zoom
Remind them to preview the lesson and pray-read important verses with them.
Have fellowship and prayer with trainees 10 minutes earlier before class for good preparation.
Pay attention to the trainees’ response in class and make appropriate
Outside of class
Help them digest crucial verses and points, answer questions if there is need.
Remind them to do their assignment and submit it on time.
Help and practice together with them in their daily practice and propagation.
Remind them to submit Daily Practice Tracker and Propagation Record (Appendix).
According to the assessment rules and the actual condition, fill in the
Class Performance Form and Statistics Report Form (Appendix).
According to the forms submitted by the trainees, learn about the trainees’ situation. If there are any deficiencies, communicate with the trainees timely and offer help.
Care for their living, open to each other and pray for others.
Consecrate yourselves before the Lord to be trained and perfected, be a useful
vessel in God’s hand for His move.
The Basic Practice
Before class
Prepare materials needed for class, such as: pen, notebook, textbook, etc.
Read outline and content and pray-read the important verses in advance.
Pray together with TA 10 minutes earlier to empty themselves and
exercise the spirit for receiving God’s fresh speaking and revelation.
In class
Avoid distractions and pay attention in class
Take notes
Open to the God's word, use spirit to receive the word of God.
Exercise the spirit when reading, pray-reading and prophesying to make the spiritual atmosphere higher.
Prophesy in every class, grasp the key points, be concise and clear, exercise the spirit to supply others.
To be active in interaction part according teacher’s instruction.
After class
Review and digest the crucial verses and points to be constituted by the truth.
Read related materials and pray over it for more enjoyment and light.
Answer the question on the textbook and submit assignments to TA on time.
Daily living
According to the content listed in the Daily Practice Tracker (Appendix), carefully practice and fill in them on time, and submit to TA every Lord’s day before 6:00 pm.
Share God’s words with other trainees at least once a week, with your family members / classmates / friends (at least 2 people a week), be joined and knit together to establish an organic relationship
According to the content listed in the "quot;Propagate Record" (Appendix), carefully practice and fill in them on time, and submit to TA every Lord’s day before 6:00 pm.
Ask for Leave and Make up
If there is any special circumstance and cannot attend the class, have fellowship with TA in advance.
Fellowship with TA to set time for making up
Time to Submit Assignments and Forms
The time of submitting assignments should be before 6:00 pm the day after class.
The time of submitting forms should be before 6:00 pm every Lord’s day
Platform: Zoom
Download and Register the application Zoom. Get familiar with the usage of the application
Strong internet connection or network signal for access the online course are recommended
Join the classroom with video turned on if possible
Finish 1 term and up to the standard of assessment, 2 copies of New Testament Recovery Version Bible.
Finish 2 terms and up to the standard of assessment, electronic device with spiritual contents installed.
Finish 3 terms and up to the standard of assessment, cover the registration fee for participating one semi-annual training or ministry conference.
Finish 4 terms and up to the standard of assessment, support 2 years FTT.
Assessment standard
1. Excellent | 1,200 | points |
2. Good | 1,000 | points |
3. Fair | 900 | points |
Items | Practice Instructions | |
In Class Performance | Attendance | Attending zoom meetings 10 minutes earlier |
Prophesy | Everyone prophesies in the interactive session of each class | |
Study | Read the outline and the excerpts from the ministry | |
Homework | Submit homework | |
Daily Practice | Early Rising | Get up before 6:00 am |
Morning Revival | Pray-read the word of God | |
Personal Prayer | At least 15 minutes per day | |
Verse Memorization | Recite one verse a day to TA | |
Bible Reading | Read recovery version Bible with outlines and footnotes according to the Bible Reading Tracker | |
Ministry Reading | Stick to the Ministry Reading List | |
Early Sleep | Go to bed before 11:00 pm | |
Propagation | Distribution | Distributing of the ministry books ≥ 2 books a week |
Interceding | Mention the name of the saints in our prayers ≥ 12 people a week | |
Friendship | Exchange contacting numbers ≥ 8 people a month | |
Fellowship | Share the words of God ≥4 people a month | |
Partnership | Coordinate together in service≥ 2 people a month | |
Discipleship | Bringing people to the perfection of 96 lessons ≥ 2 people per term |
First Term | |||
Sequence | Series | Lesson | Topic |
1 | 1 | 1 | The Training in the Lord’s Recovery |
2 | 1 | 2 | The Vision of the Training (1) Life Grows by Regulation Toward Maturity and Function |
3 | 1 | 3 | The Vision of the Training (2) Oldness and Opinion Versus Revelation and Obedience |
4 | 1 | 19 | Pray-reading God’s Word |
5 | 4 | 1 | The Vision of Service |
6 | 4 | 2 | The Universal Priesthood |
7 | 1 | 5 | The Apostles’ Teaching |
8 | 1 | 6 | The Ministry of the New Testament |
9 | 4 | 3 | A Bird’s Eye View of the Practice of the God- ordained Way |
10 | 4 | 4 | How to Use the Mystery of Human Life to Preach the Gospel |
11 | 1 | 8 | The Three Aspects of the Lord’s Recovery |
12 | 2 | 14 | The Complete Vision of the Age |
13 | 4 | 5 | Praying by Exercising the Holy Spirit for the Powerful Impact of the Gospel |
14 | 4 | 6 | The Principles of Helping the New Ones |
15 | 3 | 1 | God’s Economy |
16 | 3 | 15 | The Dispensing of the Triune God into the Tripartite Man |
17 | 3 | 13 | The Condition of Man before Salvation and the Judicial Redemption of God |
18 | 3 | 14 | The Organic Salvation of God |
19 | 2 | 1 | The Essence of the Bible |
20 | 2 | 5 | How to Study the Bible—an Adequate Person |
21 | 2 | 6 | The Four Crucial Elements of the Bible —Christ, the Spirit, Life, and the Church |
22 | 3 | 16 | The Seven Aspects of the Church |
23 | 3 | 17 | The Practical Expression of the Church |
24 | 3 | 18 | The Seven Stages of the Church |
Second Term | |||
Sequence | Series | Lesson | Topic |
1 | 3 | 2 | The Divine Dispensing |
2 | 3 | 3 | God’s New Testament Economy |
3 | 1 | 18 | Calling Upon the Name of the Lord |
4 | 1 | 4 | Character |
5 | 4 | 13 | The Vital Group (1) |
6 | 4 | 14 | The Vital Group (2) |
7 | 1 | 20 | Prayer |
8 | 1 | 21 | Singing Hymns |
9 | 2 | 17 | How to Use the Recovery Version of the Bible |
10 | 2 | 18 | How to Use the Outlines in the Recovery Version of the New Testament |
11 | 2 | 19 | How to Use the Footnotes in the Recovery Version of the New Testament |
12 | 2 | 20 | How to Use the Cross References in the Recovery Version of the New Testament |
13 | 2 | 21 | How to Use the Holy Word for Morning Revival |
14 | 1 | 22 | Praising |
15 | 1 | 23 | Exercising the Spirit |
16 | 1 | 24 | Speaking the Word of God |
17 | 4 | 18 | How to Prophesy in the Meetings |
18 | 4 | 12 | How to Serve with the Literature of the Lord's Recovery |
19 | 1 | 11 | Repentance |
20 | 1 | 12 | Confession |
21 | 1 | 13 | Consecration |
22 | 4 | 15 | The Principles of the Meetings |
23 | 4 | 16 | The Meetings |
24 | 4 | 17 | The Lord’s Table Meeting |
Third Term | |||
SEQ | SER | LESM | Topic |
1 | 1 | 7 | High Peak of the Divine Revelation |
2 | 3 | 4 | The Person and Nature of the Triune God |
3 | 3 | 5 | The Revelation of the Triune God in the Pure Word of the Bible |
4 | 3 | 6 | The Essential Trinity and the Economical Trinity |
5 | 1 | 10 | Being Constituted with the Divine Truth |
6 | 2 | 22 | How to Enter into the Riches of the New Testament Ministry |
7 | 2 | 23 | How to Pray-Read, Study, Recite, and Prophesy |
8 | 2 | 24 | Concerning the Use of Reference Books and Other Writings |
9 | 2 | 7 | The Life-Study of the Bible (1) |
10 | 2 | 8 | The Life-Study of the Bible (2) |
11 | 1 | 15 | The Sense of Life |
12 | 1 | 16 | The Fellowship of Life |
13 | 1 | 17 | Dealing with the Conscience |
14 | 3 | 7 | The Title and Person of Christ |
15 | 3 | 8 | The Work of Christ (1) |
16 | 3 | 9 | The Work of Christ (2) |
17 | 4 | 7 | Topics for New Believers (1)—The Mingled Spirit and Calling On the Name of the Lord |
18 | 4 | 8 | Topics for New Believers (2)—The Words of Life and Pray- reading the Words |
19 | 4 | 9 | Topics for New Believers (3)—Clearance of the Past and Consecration |
20 | 4 | 10 | Topics for New Believers (4)—The Body of Christ and the Meeting Life |
21 | 4 | 11 | Topics for New Believers (5)—The Ministry of the New Testament and Begetting, Nourishing, Teaching and Building |
22 | 3 | 10 | What the Holy Spirit Is (1) |
23 | 3 | 11 | What the Holy Spirit Is (2) |
24 | 3 | 12 | The Work of the Holy Spirit |
Fourth Term | |||
Sequence | Series | Lesson | Topic |
1 | 2 | 9 | The High Peak of the Divine Revelation (1)— The Ultimate Goal of God’s Economy |
2 | 2 | 10 | The High Peak of the Divine Revelation (2)— The Ministry of Christ in His Three Stages |
3 | 1 | 9 | One Accord |
4 | 1 | 14 | The Infilling and Outpouring of the Holy Spirit |
5 | 4 | 22 | The Learning of Coordination |
6 | 4 | 24 | The Practice of the Blending |
7 | 2 | 15 | Knowing the Present Religious Age |
8 | 3 | 19 | The Three Aspects of the Kingdom of the Heavens |
9 | 3 | 20 | The Second Coming of Christ |
10 | 3 | 21 | The Rapture of the Believers |
11 | 4 | 19 | Living by Faith |
12 | 4 | 20 | The Offering of Material Riches |
13 | 4 | 21 | The Leadership in the New Testament |
14 | 3 | 22 | The New Jerusalem—the Ultimate Consummation of God’s Eternal Economy |
15 | 3 | 23 | The Three Main Aspects of the New Jerusalem |
16 | 3 | 24 | Becoming the New Jerusalem |
17 | 2 | 2 | The Subjects of the Books of the Bible |
18 | 2 | 3 | The Principles in Interpreting the Bible (1) |
19 | 2 | 4 | The Principles in Interpreting the Bible (2) |
20 | 2 | 11 | The Beliefs in the Lord’s Recovery |
21 | 2 | 12 | The Truths Recovered by the Ministry of Brother Watchman Nee |
22 | 2 | 13 | The Truths Recovered by the Ministry of Brother Witness Lee |
23 | 2 | 16 | Heresies Concerning the Trinity and the Person of Christ |
24 | 4 | 23 | The Video Training |
Class Performance | ||||||
Group: Name: | ||||||
Item Lesson | Time & Date | Attendance* (80 points) | Prophesy (120) | Homework (50) | Reading Assignment (50) | Total (300) |
1 | ||||||
2 | ||||||
3 | ||||||
4 | ||||||
*Attendance: tardy or leave early for 1 minutes will minus 10 points |
Class Performance (example) | ||||||
Group: Name: | ||||||
Item Lesson | Time & Date | Attendance* (80 points) | Prophesy (120) | Homework (50) | Reading Assignment (50) | Total (300) |
1 | 8-9AM 7/10/2020 | 80 | 120 | 50 | 50 | 300 |
2 | 80 | 120 | 50 | 50 | 300 | |
3 | 80 | 120 | 50 | 50 | 300 | |
4 | 80 | 120 | 50 | 50 | 300 | |
*Attendance: tardy or leave early for 1 minutes will minus 10 points |
Date: Time: • AM •PM Coach:
Title of Msg.: | |
Material Reference: PHW1 Series •1 •2 •3 •4, Lesson: | |
Class Objective | Crucial Point(s): |
Important verses: |
Examinee’s Name | Exercise Spirit (30 points) | Quote Verse(s) (30) | Supporting Point(s) (30) | Experience /Testimony (bonus 30) | Time Control (30) | Score Sum2 |
Remarks & Comments: | ||||||
Examinee’s Name | Exercise Spirit (30 points) | Quote Verse(s) (30) | Supporting Point(s) (30) | Experience /Testimony (bonus 30) | Time Control (30) | Score Sum |
Remarks & Comments: | ||||||
Examinee’s Name | Exercise Spirit (30 points) | Quote Verse(s) (30) | Supporting Point(s) (30) | Experience /Testimony (bonus 30) | Time Control (30) | Score Sum |
Remarks & Comments: |
1 A Pattern of the Healthy Words
2 The total score is calculated by taking a sum of four modules. Score on Testimony will be added as extra credit: Exercise (30) + Verses (30) + Enlightenment (30) + (Testimony 30 bonus) + Time Control (30) = Sum (120 maximal) Each module equally weight 30 points and rated as 30 Excellent, 20 Good, 10 Fair, and 0 Poor.
Examinee’s Name | Exercise Spirit (30 points) | Quote Verse(s) (30) | Supporting Point(s) (30) | Experience /Testimony (bonus 30) | Time Control (30) | Score Sum |
Remarks & Comments: | ||||||
Examinee’s Name | Exercise Spirit (30 points) | Quote Verse(s) (30) | Supporting Point(s) (30) | Experience /Testimony (bonus 30) | Time Control (30) | Score Sum |
Remarks & Comments: | ||||||
Examinee’s Name | Exercise Spirit (30 points) | Quote Verse(s) (30) | Supporting Point(s) (30) | Experience /Testimony (bonus 30) | Time Control (30) | Score Sum |
Remarks & Comments: | ||||||
Examinee’s Name | Exercise Spirit (30 points) | Quote Verse(s) (30) | Supporting Point(s) (30) | Experience /Testimony (bonus 30) | Time Control (30) | Score Sum |
Remarks & Comments: | ||||||
Examinee’s Name | Exercise Spirit (30 points) | Quote Verse(s) (30) | Supporting Point(s) (30) | Experience /Testimony (bonus 30) | Time Control (30) | Score Sum |
Remarks & Comments: |
Daily Practice Tracker | Group: | Name: | ||||||
LD | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | Total | |
Rise (10 points) | ||||||||
Morning revival (20) | ||||||||
Memorize Verse (10) | ||||||||
Bible Reading (20) | ||||||||
Pray (20) | ||||||||
Ministry Reading (10) | ||||||||
Sleep early (10) | ||||||||
Note: Fill “√” after the completion of each item, no filling if uncompleted, fill “total column” the corresponding score. |
Daily Practice Tracker (Example) | Group: | Name: | ||||||
LD | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | Total | |
Rise (10 points) | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | 70 |
Morning revival (20) | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | 140 |
Memorize Verse (10) | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | 70 |
Bible Reading (20) | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | 140 |
Pray (20) | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | 140 |
Ministry Reading (10) | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | 70 |
Sleep early (10) | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | 70 |
Note: Fill “√” after the completion of each item, no filling if uncompleted, fill “total column” the corresponding score. |
Propagate Record | Group: | Name: | |||||||
Weekly | LD | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | Total | |
Ministry Promotion | ≥2 books | ||||||||
Intercession | ≥ 12 ppl. | ||||||||
Monthly | Four Categories of Relationship | ||||||||
Friendship | ≥ 8 ppl. | ||||||||
Fellowship | ≥ 4 ppl. | ||||||||
Partnership | ≥ 2 ppl. | ||||||||
Discipleship* | ≥ 2 ppl. | ||||||||
Note: Promote ministry books 10 points each book; Name list Prayers 20 points each day; Friendship 50 points each person; Fellowship 100 points each person; Partnership 200 points each person; Discipleship 400 points each person; Fill names in all items. Fill scores in “Total” * Disciple at least 2 people each term |
Propagate Record | Group: | Name: | |||||||
Weekly | LD | Mon. | Tue. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | Total | |
Ministry Promotion | ≥2 books | Joel | Lay | 20 | |||||
Intercession | ≥ 12 ppl. | Joel, John, Moli | Joel, Mary, Kelly | Joel, Ruth, Victor | Joel, Bob, Victor | Joel, Sarah, Mary | Mai, Joel , Ruth | Joel, Mai | 140 |
Monthly | Four Categories of Relationship | ||||||||
Friendship | ≥ 8 ppl. | Joel | Victor | 40 | |||||
Fellowship | ≥ 4 ppl. | Joel | Kelly | Ruth | Victor | Mary | Joel | 120 | |
Partnership | ≥ 2 ppl. | Joel | Victor | 200 | |||||
Discipleship* | ≥ 2 ppl. | Joel | 200 | ||||||
Note: Promote ministry books 10 points each book; Name list Prayers 20 points each day; Friendship 50 points each person; Fellowship 100 points each person; Partnership 200 points each person; Discipleship 400 points each person; Fill names in all items. Fill scores in “Total” * Disciple at least 2 people each term |
The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard,
a friend of tax collectors and sinners.
Luke 7:34
Jesus said to her, Do not touch Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brothers and say to them, I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God
and your God.
John 20:17
Matthew 18:20 For where there are two or three gathered into My name,
there am I in their midst.
2 Timothy 2:2 And the things which you have heard from me through many witnesses, these commit to faithful men, who will
be competent to teach others also.
1Timothy 2:1 I exhort therefore, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings be made on behalf of all men;
Statistics Report Form | Group: | Name: | ||||
Week | Week | Week | Week | Sum | ||
Daily Practice | Early rising | |||||
Morning revival | ||||||
Verse memorization | ||||||
Reading the Bible | ||||||
Pray | ||||||
Books pursuing | ||||||
Go to bed early | ||||||
Propagation | Ministry promotion ≥ 2 books / week | |||||
Intercession ≥12 ppl. / week | ||||||
Friendship ≥ 8 ppl. /month | ||||||
Fellowship ≥4 ppl. / month | ||||||
Partnership ≥ 2 ppl. /month | ||||||
Discipleship ≥ 2 ppl. / term | ||||||
Total | ||||||
Note: This form is designed to summary the weekly training performance of each participant. Training Assistant is responsible to fill in the statistics of the trainee’s performance in daily practice and in propagation. |
Statistics Report Form | Group: | Name: | ||||
(Example) | Week | Week | Week | Week | Sum | |
Daily Practice | Early rising | 70 | 70 | 70 | 70 | 280 |
Morning revival | 140 | 140 | 140 | 140 | 560 | |
Verse Memorization | 140 | 140 | 140 | 140 | 560 | |
Reading the Bible | 140 | 140 | 140 | 140 | 560 | |
Pray | 140 | 140 | 140 | 140 | 560 | |
Books pursuing | 70 | 70 | 70 | 70 | 280 | |
Go to bed early | 70 | 70 | 70 | 70 | 280 | |
Propagation | Ministry Promotion ≥ 2 books/week | 40 | 60 | 80 | 60 | 240 |
Intercession ≥12 ppl./week | 90 | 90 | 90 | 90 | 360 | |
Friendship ≥ 8 ppl./Month | 240 | 270 | 240 | 270 | 1020 | |
Fellowship ≥4 ppl./ Month | 120 | 150 | 120 | 150 | 540 | |
Partnership ≥ 2 ppl./Month | 100 | 200 | 100 | 200 | 600 | |
Discipleship ≥ 1ppl./Month | 400 | 500 | 700 | 500 | 2100 | |
Total | ||||||
Note: This form is designed to summary the weekly training performance of each participant. Training Assistant is responsible to fill in the statistics of the trainee’s performance in daily practice and in propagation. |
Week | Lord's Day | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 | Matt.1:1-6 | 1:7-25 | 2:1-3:6 | 3:7-4:11 | 4:12-5:3 | 5:4-20 | 5:21-48 |
2 | 6:1-18 | 6:19-7:12 | 7:13-29 | 8:1-34 | 9:1-17 | 9:18-10:5 | 10:6-11:1 |
3 | 11:2-30 | 12:1-37 | 12:38-50 | 13:1-23 | 13:24-52 | 13:53-14:21 | 14:22-36 |
4 | 15:1-39 | 16:1-12 | 16:13-27 | 16:28-17:27 | 18:1-35 | 19:1-26 | 19:27-20-16 |
5 | 20:17-21:11 | 21:12-46 | 22:1-22 | 22:23-23:12 | 23:13-39 | 24:1-26 | 24:27-51 |
6 | 25:1-13 | 25:14-30 | 25:31-26:13 | 26:14-56 | 26:57-27:26 | 27:27-66 | 28:1-20 |
7 | Mark.1:1-8 | 1:9-20 | 1:21-45 | 2:1-28 | 3:1-35 | 4:1-34 | 4:35-5:43 |
8 | 6:1-44 | 6:45-7:30 | 7:31-8:26 | 8:27-9:32 | 9:33-10:12 | 10:13-52 | 11:1-26 |
9 | 11:27-12:37 | 12:38-13:37 | 14:1-26 | 14:27-52 | 14:53-15:15 | 15:16-47 | 16:1-20 |
10 | Luke.1:1-25 | 1:26-56 | 1:57-80 | 2:1-39 | 2:40-3:20 | 3:21-4:13 | 4:14-44 |
11 | 5:1-6:11 | 6:12-49 | 7:1-35 | 7:36-8:21 | 8:22-56 | 9:1-36 | 9:37-62 |
12 | 10:1-24 | 10:25-42 | 11:1-36 | 11:37-12:12 | 12:13-48 | 12:49-13:9 | 13:10-14:14 |
13 | 14:15-15:7 | 15:8-32 | 16:1-18 | 16:19-17:19 | 17:20-18:8 | 18:9-43 | 19:1-27 |
14 | 19:28-20:19 | 20:20-21:4 | 21:5-22:6 | 22:7-46 | 22:47-23:25 | 23:26-24:12 | 24:13-53 |
15 | John1:1-18 | 1:19-51 | 2:1-22 | 2:23-3:13 | 3:14-36 | 4:1-26 | 4:27-54 |
16 | 5:1-30 | 5:31-6:15 | 6:16-51 | 6:52-71 | 7:1-24 | 7:25-52 | 7:53-8:27 |
17 | 8:28-59 | 9:1-41 | 10:1-30 | 10:31-11:16 | 11:17-57 | 12:1-24 | 12:25-50 |
18 | 13:1-38 | 14:1-6 | 14:7-31 | 15:1-16:4 | 16:5-33 | 17:1-13 | 17:14-24 |
19 | 17:25-18:27 | 18:28-19:22 | 19:23-37 | 19:38-20:13 | 20:14-22 | 20:23-21:14 | 21:15-25 |
20 | Acts.1:1-26 | 2:1-21 | 2:22-41 | 2:42-3:18 | 3:19-4:31 | 4:32-5:32 | 5:33-7:1 |
21 | 7:2-8:3 | 8:4-40 | 9:1-43 | 10:1-43 | 10:44-11:30 | 12:1-13:4 | 13:5-52 |
22 | 14:1-15:11 | 15:12-16:5 | 16:6-40 | 17:1-34 | 18:1-28 | 19:1-41 | 20:1-38 |
23 | 21:1-26 | 21:27-22:21 | 22:22-23:15 | 23:16-24:27 | 25:1-26:32 | 27:1-44 | 28:1-31 |
24 | Rom.1:1-7 | 1:8-32 | 2:1-29 | 3:1-31 | 4:1-25 | 5:1-11 | 5:12-21 |
25 | 6:1-23 | 7:1-25 | 8:1-6 | 8:7-25 | 8:26-39 | 9:1-10:3 | 10:4-21 |
26 | 11:1-36 | 12:1-8 | 12:9-13:14 | 14:1-23 | 15:1-24 | 15:25-16:16 | 16:17-27 |
27 | 1Cor.1:1-9 | 1:10-31 | 2:1-16 | 3:1-13 | 3:14-4:9 | 4:10-5:13 | 6:1-16 |
28 | 6:17-7:24 | 7:25-8:13 | 9:1-27 | 10:1-13 | 10:14-11:6 | 11:7-26 | 11:27-12:11 |
29 | 12:12-31 | 13:1-14:12 | 14:13-33 | 14:34-15:19 | 15:20-34 | 15:35-58 | 16:1-24 |
30 | 2Cor.1:1-14 | 1:15-2:11 | 2:12-3:6 | 3:7-18 | 4:1-12 | 4:13-5:8 | 5:9-21 |
31 | 6:1-7:7 | 7:8-8:15 | 8:16-9:15 | 10:1-18 | 11:1-33 | 12:1-21 | 13:1-14 |
32 | Gal.1:1-14 | 1:15-2:13 | 2:14-21 | 3:1-14 | 3:15-4:7 | 4:8-31 | 5:1-23 |
33 | 5:24-6:10 | 6:11-18 | Eph.1:1-6 | 1:7-14 | 1:15-23 | 2:1-10 | 2:11-19 |
34 | 2:20-3:8 | 3:9-19 | 3:20-4:3 | 4:4-16 | 4:17-32 | 5:1-21 | 5:22-33 |
35 | 6:1-13 | 6:14-24 | Phil.1:1-19 | 1:20-2:4 | 2:5-16 | 2:17-3:6 | 3:7-16 |
36 | 3:17-4:9 | 4:10-23 | Col.1:1-14 | 1:15-29 | 2:1-17 | 2:18-3:11 | 3:12-4:18 |
37 | 1Thes.1:1-10 | 2:1-20 | 3:1-4:12 | 4:13-5:11 | 5:12-28 | 2Thes.1:1-2:12 | 2:13-3:18 |
38 | 1Tim.1:1-4 | 1:5-20 | 2:1-15 | 3:1-13 | 3:14-4:5 | 4:6-5:25 | 6:1-21 |
39 | 2Tim.1:1-18 | 2:1-3:13 | 3:14-22 | Titus.1:1-16 | 2:1-15 | 3:1-15 | Philem1:1-25 |
40 | Heb.1:1-3 | 1:4-14 | 2:1-18 | 3:1-19 | 4:1-13 | 4:14-5:10 | 5:11-6:3 |
41 | 6:4-20 | 7:1-28 | 8:1-13 | 9:1-14 | 9:15-28 | 10:1-25 | 10:26-39 |
42 | 11:1-19 | 11:20-40 | 12:1-14 | 12:15-24 | 12:25-13:7 | 13:8-15 | 13:16-25 |
43 | James1:1-18 | 1:19-2:13 | 2:14-3:18 | 4:1-17 | 5:1-20 | 1Pet.1:1-5 | 1:6-12 |
44 | 1:13-25 | 2:1-10 | 2:11-3:7 | 3:8-22 | 4:1-14 | 4:15-5:4 | 5:5-14 |
45 | 2Pet.1:1-4 | 1:5-18 | 1:19-2:3 | 2:4-22 | 3:1-9 | 3:10-14 | 3:15-18 |
46 | 1John1:1-4 | 1:5-7 | 1:8-2:11 | 2:12-24 | 2:25-3:5 | 3:6-18 | 3:19-4:6 |
47 | 4:7-21 | 5:1-13 | 5:14-21 | 2John1:1-13 | 3John1:1-14 | Jude1:1-10 | 1:11-25 |
48 | Rev.1:1-6 | 1:7-13 | 1:14-20 | 2:1-7 | 2:8-11 | 2:12-17 | 2:18-29 |
49 | 3:1-6 | 3:7-13 | 3:14-22 | 4:1-11 | 5:1-14 | 6:1-17 | 7:1-17 |
50 | 8:1-12 | 8:13-9:21 | 10:1-11 | 11:1-15 | 11:16-12:4 | 12:5-18 | 13:1-18 |
51 | 14:1-12 | 14:13-15:8 | 16:1-21 | 17:1-18 | 18:1-19:4 | 19:5-16 | 19:17-20:6 |
52 | 20:7-15 | 21:1-2 | 21:3-13 | 21:14-21 | 21:22-22:2 | 22:3-15 | 22:16-21 |
1st Term
The Orthodoxy of the Church
All-inclusive Christ
2nd Term
The Knowledge of Life
Economy of God
3rd Term
The Experience of Life
The Glorious Church
4th Term
The Character of the Lord’s Worker
The Normal Christian Church life
Application, Qualification & Recommendation
I hereby submit my personal information for registration to the Online Training for A Pattern of the Healthy Words. I understand that my admission is completely the discernment of the Training.
PERSONAL INFORMATION Write legibly in the spaces provided. Check appropriate boxes.
Surname | Given Name | Mid. Name (if applicable) | |
Gender > Bro. Sis. | Nationality | Time in Mainland From: To: | |
Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD) | Date Baptized | ||
Locality (Current reside City/Town, Province) | Occupation / University | Position / Major | |
Educational Level > Vocational Bachelor Master PhD | Marital Status > Single Married | ||
Trainings Attended > College Conference International Students Perfecting Training Full-time Training |
CONTACT INFORMATION Fill in domicile information
Address line 1 | ||
Address line 2 | ||
City | State / Province / Region | ZIP Code |
Country: | Phone Number: |
Signature of applicant: Date:
QUALIFICATION SCREENING to be filled by the responsible ones in fellowship with the students.
Please confirm each item with a check mark: That the applicant
1. Being able to manage the language of English.
2. Having prayer and fellowship regularly.
3. Studied the Lessons from Establish A Vital Living. Finished lesson (Lesson number)
4. Read the ministry book, such as: The Tree of Life The All-inclusive Christ
The Basic Elements of Christian Life The Normal Christian Life Sit Walk Stand
The Glorious Church Life Study other (book title)
5. Participated church services, such as: Gospel outreaching Shepherding believers
Practical church affairs other (service)
6. Participated the ISPT or College Conference previously (check the corresponding boxes)
Winter Perfecting 2018 ISPT 2018 Winter Perfecting 2019 ISPT 2019
We hereby confirm that the applicant is recommended to join the International Students Training in Cebu.
Remarks, if any: Name of Responsible one: Signature: Date: Locality/Region: Phone No.
I am requesting enrollment to the Online Training for A Pattern of the Healthy Words.
I acknowledged that the training consisted of 4 terms with each 24 lessons. And the content of the training is related to the divine revelation as well as church practice and services according to the scripture.
I understand and agree to abide by the stipulations and guidelines of this training. I therefore willingly and voluntarily submit this personal consecration and hereby affirm my full submission to the requirements, rules and standards of the Training, as stated below:
I consecrate myself to the Lord to be trained in Bible truth, life, gospel, service, living, character and ministry. I will participate willingly to all the training activities and endeavors.
I declare that my primary goal is to become a proper vessel ready to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the whole inhabited earth.
I shall accept and submit to all rules, requirements, and arrangements established by the Training. I am willing to be adjusted accordingly and learn the aspects of coordination with my fellow trainees, the training staff, and the local saints.
I agree to attend all the meetings punctually and to function normally. I shall refrain from any activity that could interfere with the training schedule.
I am committed to complete at least [ one two three all four] term(s) of the Training
without interruption.
I fully understand that the Training has the right to suspend or dismiss me at any time and that the Training has the full decision over my stay and continuation as a trainee.
I submit myself to the training hand of the Lord and hereby affirm my willingness to uphold the standard of the Training, and abide by all the conditions and requirements thereof.
Signature: Date:
Verified/ Endorsed by Responsible one: Date:
Surname | Given Name | Mid. Name (if applicable) | |||
Gender | Date of Birth | ||||
Nationality | Current Residency | ||||
Occupation / University | Position / Major | ||||
Degree | Time in Mainland | ||||
Time Contacted | Year of Graduation | ||||
Remark of Spiritual Condition | |||||
Surname | Jerome | Given Name | Benjamin | Mid. Name (if applicable) | Kwes |
Gender | Male | Date of Birth | Jan. 15, 1980 | ||
Nationality | Rwanda | Current Residency | YW | ||
Occupation / University | Wholesale Market | Position / Major | Vendor | ||
Degree | Bachelor | Time in Mainland | 2019 | ||
Time Contacted | 2018 | Year of Graduation | |||
Remark of Spiritual Condition | |||||
Joined the International Students Perfecting Training in 2019. Having morning revival regularly with the brothers in Brothers House. Invites many colleges to home meeting. Helped the saints to trip for Rwanda. Visit mainland with his father who is also a businessman. Have 11 siblings. His father helped to provide hospitality for saints visiting Rwanda. |
# | Name | Relationship with trainee | Christian | Spiritual Condition | Prayer Burden | Current Residency | Occupation |
1 | Yes No | ||||||
2 | Yes No | ||||||
3 | Yes No | ||||||
4 | Yes No | ||||||
5 | Yes No | ||||||
6 | Yes No | ||||||
7 | Yes No | ||||||
8 | Yes No | ||||||
9 | Yes No | ||||||
10 | Yes No |