April 29, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks


April 29, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E621

The 1946 pro-freedom demonstrators competed for attention with the communist-endorsed May 1 Labor Day celebrations in the Polish People’s Republic. Until 1989, May 3 was a frequent occasion for anti-government and anti-communist protests and Polish Constitution Day was restored as an official Polish holiday in April 1990 after the fall of communism. In 2007, May 3 was declared a Lithuanian national holiday and Polish-American pride has been celebrated on the same date here in the United States as well. For instance since 1982 in Chicago, the Polish-American community have marked May 3rd with festivities and the annual Polish Constitution Day Parade, and in my own district, Polonia United, San Diego led by its President Zdzislaw (George) Juchum and its Vice President Miroslaw Gomy work tirelessly to inform and involve the San Diego community of this important event.

The Constitution of May 3, 1791, is evidence of successful internal reform and serves as a symbol of the eventual restoration of Poland’s sovereignty. Congratulations to our friends and allies in Poland. As you celebrate Polish Constitution Day on May 3, please be assured that the United States stands beside you as a fellow defender of freedom and democracy.





Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the memory of my colleague, neighbor, and above all else my friend . . . Dave Wattenberg. Dave passed away on Monday, January 20, 2014 with his wife Mary Sharon by his side.

Dave and I served together for 6 years in Colorado’s State Senate.

He was a cowboy whose wit was unmatched but he was a serious legislator and public servant. During the years of Dave’s service he passed over 250 bills. These laws encompassed mining, banking, air quality standards for public lands, and even bringing horse racing back to the State of Colorado.

He cared deeply about rural Colorado and his home and the people of northwest Colorado in Jackson County.

He understood better than most the issues that effected ranchers and farmers and he brought those issues to light at the Statehouse. The Colorado Brand Association legislation sponsored by Dave was most important to his love of western heritage.

Dave knew what it took to bring people together, to compromise and strike a deal to make good public policy for the people of Colorado.

I was honored to be the beneficiary of Dave and Mary Sharon’s help and support over the years.

Whenever I talked to Dave he wanted to know how he could help me.

I will always remember the events in his backyard and treasure the times we just sat and talked and joked about our time at the Statehouse as well as about family and politics.

I know how much his wife, Mary Sharon will miss him. I and so many others will miss him too.






Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr. MORAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the American Medical Group Foundation, based in Alexandria, Virginia, for hosting the first ever Measure Up/Pressure DownTM National Day of Action: Roll Up Your Sleeves! on May 15, 2014. On this day, medical groups, health systems, partners, and sponsors across the nation will take one ‘‘action’’ to improve blood pressure control in their communities. The services will range from free blood pressure screenings and patient education, to employee brown bag lunches and media outreach.

The Measure Up/Pressure DownTM initiative is a national campaign that raises awareness and control of blood pressure by working with more than 150 medical groups and health systems, partner organizations, and sponsors. High blood pressure (hypertension) is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and diabetes complications. Nearly one out of three American adults has high blood pressure. Yet out of these 68 million people, only half have the condition under control.

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to recognize the American Medical Group Foundation’s contributions to healthier communities, applaud their national day of action, and ask that my colleagues and their staffs consider taking part in this important event.





Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr. PITTS. Mr. Speaker, a little over four years ago my esteemed colleague from New Jersey, the honorable CHRIS SMITH, rose in this chamber to bring due attention to one of the great Christians of the twentieth century— the noted Chinese teacher and church-planter, Watchman Nee. Today, I rise to complete the circle on this compelling story by honoring Watchman Nee’s closest co-worker, Witness Lee. Together they labored tirelessly in China from 1932 until the conquest of mainland China by the Communist Red Army under Mao Tse Tung in 1949. Today, the story of Watchman Nee is somewhat well known, given his numerous writings that have become Christian classics, such as The Normal Christian Life and Sit, Walk, Stand. Capping his inspirational biography was his martyrdom in a Chinese labor farm in 1972.

Witness Lee’s story is less known in the West but is in no way less significant. Although Nee was the clear leader when they labored together in China, it was left to Witness Lee, to preserve and continue their work outside of China and to spread it far beyond the Chinese-speaking world. When it became apparent in 1949 that the Communists would prevail in China, Watchman Nee insisted that Witness Lee emigrate to carry on their work in Taiwan and throughout the Far East. Lee agreed. Subsequent developments not only validated Nee’s insight (he was imprisoned shortly thereafter, and the churches raised up under his and Lee’s ministry were forced underground), but also confirmed that their message and ministry had the potential to reach far beyond China.

Almost immediately Lee’s ministry began to have a profound impact in Taiwan. Tens of thousands turned to Jesus Christ for their salvation and began congregating in simple, New Testament churches, as their Chinese brethren had done in China during the previous two decades. Today, there are more than 200 such local churches in Taiwan with more than 200,000 believers. It is a similar story in the Far East and Australasia, with churches established in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and Australia.

Witness Lee did not confine his work to Asia. In 1962 he came to North America and began to minister from Los Angeles, where he established Living Stream Ministry, the publisher of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee in English and over fifty other languages. Witness Lee’s speaking and writing continued to emphasize ‘‘Christ as life’’ and God’s desire to ‘‘build His church’’ on the basis of the oneness of God’s people, rather than on any ethnic or cultural differences. This was the same message that he had learned from his spiritual mentor, Watchman Nee. Since the early 1960s the spread of the local churches under Lee’s ministry throughout the North and South America, Europe, and Africa has been remarkable. There are more than 4,000 churches and 400,000 believers meeting on every inhabited continent, including 200 churches and several thousand believers in Russia and the Russian-speaking world.

Inside mainland China the number of ‘‘hidden’’ believers following the ministry of Nee and Lee has continued to grow despite the Chinese government’s often extreme measures to suppress and openly persecute them. Historically, members of the churches in China who appreciate the ministry of Nee and Lee have been among the most harshly persecuted. Thousands have been imprisoned, countless beaten, and many even martyred. It is estimated today that there may be two million believers and thousands of local churches in China that draw their spiritual nourishment and supply from the ministry of Nee and Lee.

Recently, reports have reached the West that Christian believers in two provinces have been imprisoned merely for possessing copies of the Recovery Version, a study Bible published by Living Stream Ministry and Taiwan Gospel Book Room, the publishing entity Lee established in Taiwan. Today Watchman Nee is still labeled as a ‘‘dangerous counterrevolutionary,’’ and Witness Lee is officially branded as a ‘‘cult leader.’’ The writings of both men are banned in China. It is tragic that Watchman Nee died in a Chinese prison farm, totally unaware of how profoundly his life and ministry would impact the entire world. It is a similar tragedy that Witness Lee died in 1997 with such a blatant, gross distortion hanging over his name and his ministry in his homeland.

It is ironic that at a time when China is taking such a prominent role on the world stage in so many areas of society, it is missing an obvious opportunity to further improve its reputation with in the international community.

E622 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 29, 2014

Rather than slander the names of two faithful men of God, China should take national pride that two of its own, neither of whom were political in either their message or their leadership of the flock, have had extraordinary impact far beyond the Chinese-speaking world.

Mr. Speaker, I call upon the Chinese government today to release all those being held simply because of their faith in Christ and to abandon this national campaign to discredit and distort the record of two brave followers of the One who came with the message of salvation, forgiveness and peace, and instead, to celebrate with us the contributions of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee to believers the world over.





Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr. SMITH of Washington. Mr. Speaker, it is with great admiration that I rise to congratulate MSgt. Lance Nelson on being named the Howard O. Scott Citizen-Soldier of the Year. This award, given annually by the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber Military Affairs Committee and the Kiwanis Club of Tacoma, recognizes an individual who upholds his or her commitment to civic responsibility in an exemplary way. MSgt. Nelson has served his community and country in great measure and is truly deserving of this award.

During his time in the 728th Airlift Squadron, 446th Airlift Wing, MSgt. Nelson has personified what it means to be an airman. He not only serves as a flight leader in his squadron but also as the squadron’s Self Aid and Buddy Care Instructor, a position that puts him in charge of conducting classes on battlefield first aid. Furthermore, MSgt. Nelson’s commitment to service continues when he is off duty, where he is employed as a firefighter and EMT with West Pierce Fire and Rescue.

MSgt. Nelson has also shown enthusiasm for the potential of young people in our community. From starring in Fire Prevention Week assemblies and volunteering in classrooms, to leading Boy Scouts and coaching sports, MSgt. Nelson has consistently invested in the lives of children. As President of the Evergreen Elementary PTA and member of the Bethel School District Long Range Facilities Planning Team, he has been a dedicated advocate and resource for the Bethel School District.

Howard O. Scott, for whom this award is named, served America when called upon during World War II, and continued to serve the Tacoma community throughout the rest of his life, leaving behind an impressive legacy. MSgt. Nelson carries on the legacy of Howard

O. Scott, setting an incredible example of what it means to give back to your country and community.

Mr. Speaker, it is with great respect that I congratulate MSgt. Lance Nelson. I wish him well in his future endeavors, and thank him for his service.





Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Mr. Philip P. Smith, the president and chief executive officer of Phil Smith Management, Inc., on receiving the Sun Sentinel’s 2013 Excalibur Award for Business Leader of the Year in Broward County. Each year, the Sun Sentinel recognizes outstanding business executives who exemplify both business leadership and community involvement, and I can think of no one more deserving of this honor than Phil.

Well known as the founder of Phil Smith Chevrolet, a successful General Motors (GM) dealership in my Congressional district that serves the greater South Florida area from Palm Beach to Broward and Miami-Dade Counties, Phil bought into his first auto dealership 35 years ago. While finishing college at Florida Atlantic University (FAU), he started working at a Ford dealership in Pompano Beach. Owner Pete Menten saw Phil’s potential, and not only kept him on the job after his graduation but later gave him the chance to buy into a small Toyota store in Homestead. With help and support from Menten, Southeast Toyota Distributors Chief Jim Moran, and others, Phil grew his business and now leads an auto-dominated group with 780 employees and about $500 million in annual revenue.

With a direct hands-on sales and management approach, Phil has built his company from the ground up and now operates 17 auto dealerships throughout Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina, as well as the Coral Ridge Country Club in Fort Lauderdale. Just as in the very beginning, he remains true to the principles that have put him at the forefront of his business model: paying it forward and strong relationships with customers. Phil offers promising employees the same chance that he was given, to become a part owner in each of his auto franchises and pursue the American Dream through hard work and dedication.

Even with his great success, he remains grounded to the things that matter most. Phil is civically engaged and active in his community. In addition to his charitable giving, he serves on the boards for his alma mater FAU, the Orange Bowl Committee, and various non-profits that focus on issues such as health and education. Phil also welcomes several high school teams to practice on the golf course at Coral Ridge Country Club without charge.

Mr. Speaker, Phil Smith is not only an exceptional entrepreneur, but a community leader and dear friend. It is truly a pleasure to recognize him on receiving the Excalibur Award for Business Leader of the Year.





Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I applaud the theme of this year’s National Day of Prayer, ‘‘One voice united in prayer.’’ Echoing that sentiment of unity, those of us who grew up reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at school every morning recall its stirring words with absolute clarity to this very day: ‘‘One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.’’

Yet today in some schools, the Pledge has taken a back seat to busy class schedules and that crucial phrase, ‘‘under God,’’ seems under constant fire by an unrestrained judiciary. National Prayer Day serves to remind us we need to regain our footing in this country again if we are to stand tall in His eyes among the brotherhood of nations.

My efforts in the Congress have long been to preserve our Constitutional guarantees of freely exercising our religion, and not vanquishing that right from the public square. Since the earliest days of our founding, and in the hearts and minds of those landing on our shores to settle a new world, hope endured through prayer.

I have again introduced a Constitutional Amendment to ensure voluntary prayer in public schools. H.J. Res. 42 reads: ‘‘Nothing in this Constitution, including any amendment to the Constitution, shall be construed to prohibit voluntary prayer or require prayer in school, or to prohibit voluntary prayer or require prayer at a public school extracurricular activity.’’ In the past, I had jointly introduced this amendment with our late senator, Robert C. Byrd. And, I have co-sponsored H. Res. 547, supporting the 63rd annual observance of the National Day of Prayer on May 1, 2014, and urge all West Virginians to come together to pray and reaffirm the importance prayer has played in our nation’s heritage.

As wise old Ben Franklin told his fellow delegates in calling for daily prayer at our Constitutional Convention, ‘‘the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth— that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?’’

Being a firm believer in the power of prayer, I remain convinced that collectively, through the power of prayer, we can begin to heal our land. Because when we weigh what little our Lord asks of us—the faith of a mustard seed, the mere touch of a garment’s hem—the return is nothing short of amazing grace.

The leadership of our pastors helps guide us to greater understanding and appreciation of that sound investment. I thank them for their compassion and for their continuing commitment to the power of prayer, and the strength and guidance it grants us to make the Lord’s work here on Earth our own.





Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mr. RICE of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize one of our nation’s finest teachers, Mrs. Jennifer Ainsworth of Horry County, South Carolina.

Mrs. Ainsworth was recently named South Carolina’s 2014–2015 Teacher of the Year for her exemplary work at Socastee High School,